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April Bird Walk


Location: Meet at Lavell's Lake car park on Sandford Lane at 09.00

Join us for a walk, guided by an expert local birder, around the lakes, woods and hides of the park. Whatever your level of expertise you’ll be welcome. We suggested a donation of £2 per adult. Car park charges apply.

Meet 08:55 for 09:00 departure from Lavell’s car park opposite the DAC car park on Sandford Lane, the walk lasts approximately 3 hours. There are toilets and a cafe in the Dinton Activity Centre (DAC) over the road from the Lavell’s car park.

April is an amazing month, always producing over 100 species, the last of the winter visitors will mostly be gone by the day of the bird walk, but you never know the odd Siskin, Lesser Redpoll, or Fieldfare can occur. A few Teal, Shoveler and Wigeon are likely to be around, but our attention on the 10th will mainly be drawn by our early songsters such as Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Song Thrush, Wren, Blackbird, Dunnock, but not forgetting Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch and less known for it’s song, the stunning Bullfinch.

Sand Martin should be around, as hopefully be a few House Martin and Swallow, it depends on how mild it has been and what direction the wind has been blowing over the previous week.

If it is colder and showery, then no problem as this can bring early Arctic Tern and Common Tern. On top of the usual Oystercatchers, Redshank, Little-ringed Plover, Lapwing and late Snipe, Common Sandpiper should be about somewhere.

If it is nice and warm and bright, with a light breeze we will keep looking up as early in the month is perfect time for Osprey and Marsh Harrier.